
May 3, 20212 min


Mommy Moment…

Getting several littles out of their car seats can be such a challenge! How do you keep track of the first ones unbuckled when you still have two others in their seats to unbuckle without someone melting down…especially the mommy? Lol

Some sweet mommies get so frustrated at this challenge that they won’t take their kids to the store with them. It’s just too overwhelming and upsetting. I have seen other sweet mommies break down into tears because they can’t keep the oldest ones safe while unbuckling the youngest ones. But I have also seen some creative mommies who are quite successful at navigating this problem.

One sweet mommy taught the oldest child to keep his hand on the back tire while she unbuckled the baby. What a great idea! She visited with the oldest one as she was unbuckling the baby. She praised him for being such a good big brother, for helping her. and for being smart and staying in a safe place. She was teaching obedience, reinforcing good behavior AND praising him for being a good big brother. I love that! She made him feel good about his behavior. He will look to please her next time because she praised, not only his behavior, but who his is… the big brother. Brilliant.

There was a sweet mommy at the store who unbuckled the little one first. With the little one standing just inside the car door leaning on her, she unbuckled the older one. I heard her say, “When you are big enough to stay right beside me, I will unbuckle you first. Remember last time? You didn’t stay with me, so the baby gets to be first.” Without making a big deal about past behavior, she gently reminded the older one that this was a consequence of his own making. No yelling, no harsh words, no berating of the child, just matter-of-factly stating the truth and moving on. Perfect!

In our case Danielle was super compliant and never wandered from my side in this situation. And when it was me with the younger three, Jenna would help Kali while I unbuckled Caleb, so it wasn’t really an issue. But I did always say, “Everybody get a hand.” Which meant we all held hands as we walked away from the car and into the store.

You may have some technique that works for you. That’s awesome. But if you struggle with this, take a moment and figure out another way. Pray about it. Finding a way to “call-up” the heart of you older kids will help in this situation and in other situations as well. Their little hearts love to be praised for being “big” and for good behavior. If they have your attention for the good things they do, then there is less of a reason to behave poorly.

Sweet Mommy, stay calm, teach the behaviors you expect, call them up and praise the child’s heart. If you can do those things everyone will be happier, and outings will become so much fun.

Mommy, you got this!!

#mommasoffaith #momlife #praise #shopping
