Mommy Moments...
At about 4 years old, although she had always been pretty compliant, Danielle decided one day that the candy at the checkout counter looked good. She also decided NOT to accept my answer, which was "no". She started to whine as I finished checking out. Just as I was paying she had another thought. Down she went onto the floor in full tantrum mode.
Now, I hadn't seen her do this before. I had no "how to deal with a tantrum in a store" file in my brain. I simply told her to get up because I was leaving the store.
She continued. The poor clerk was a bit horrified when I started walking out of the store. I exited the store, watching her the whole time, and waited just outside the door. About that same time she looked up and saw that I had left. She popped up, and came a running. I snatched her up as she exited the store and hugged her tight. I calmed her little heart and kissed her.
As we proceeded to the car. I reminded her that her behavior made me sad, but I loved my sweet girl. She never tried it again.
Sometimes you have only a moment to process and decide what to do. There is no way to prepare for every situation. You will get it right most of the time, but cut yourself some slack. Give yourself and your children grace. Nobody's perfect.