Mommy Moment...
I hear friends say that they think I have a 'natural gift of hospitality."
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Oh, girls, if you only knew where I started. I couldn't cook. I had no homemaking skills. Planning, coordinating, and budgeting were NOT in my skills set. These next few posts will make you feel good about yourselves (I promise).
One day I was running behind and hadn't started soaking the pinto beans for chili. I had used the pressure cooker before. I knew a bit about using it...well, maybe not enough. I sorted two or three cups of beans, put them in the cooker, added water, put the lid on and turned the heat on.
I knew I'd have to turn the heat back down once I heard the pressure valve jiggle. I moved on to other things and listened for it. I thought I was listening. I didn't notice just how much time had passed.
Suddenly, the valve blew! Beans were shooting up through that tiny little valve spout to the ceiling! Splattering all over the kitchen! Oh my! What a mess! Ceiling, walls, cupboards, the floor all covered. Bean shot -not only on the outside of the cupboards but- INSIDE of nearly every cupboard! It was awful!
The next day or two, as you can imagine, was spent cleaning. I think that's the cleanest my kitchen has ever been. Things don't always go as planned. Don't panic...and don't give up.
Mommy, you got this!