Mommy Moment…
I was looking for some chocolate today. I like the little Dove Chocolates. The company puts little messages on the inside of the wrappers. I find them entertaining. This one had a sweet message on the inside of the wrapper.
~Be with the people who make you laugh! ~
I have spent thirty-eight years with the people who make me laugh. Oh, they make me crazy some days (lol) but in general, my kids and husband are the ones who bring a smile to my face. They bring laughter and joy to my life. They keep me young at heart.
I have learned over the years that my attitude determines how much laughter is in our home. If I am stressed, no laughter. If I am rushed, maybe a little laughter. If I am happy, much laughter. It isn’t what we are going through that changes the laughter level here. It’s my own emotion that does.
When Devin pulled the chair out from under me, when Jeff splattered whipped cream in my face, when there was soap in my coffee, the world would say I would have been justified in being crabby or cross or that the kids shouldn’t treat me that way. But I didn’t react crabby or cross any of those times… I laughed. We all laughed. I wasn’t especially happy to have landed hard on the floor and nearly choke on the roll I was eating, but I knew that I looked ridiculous and that the kids were waiting to see how I would respond. If it had been a scene on a TV sitcom the entire audience would have burst out laughing. I could laugh in that moment because I knew it was not done to harm me. It was done as a childish prank.
My kids just love to pick on me. They love to be silly. If I had chosen to be cross, I would have missed so much joy…we all would have. I am grateful for the silly mishaps and unexpected events, because they are proof that I have a loving family. I GET to have silly moments because I have children whom I love. My life would have been lonely and boring without them. I am extremely grateful for each one of them, my husband, kids, grandkids and all the other people that I get to love. Each one brings laughter to my life.
I hope this inspires you to find a way to be silly with your own children. Sweet Mommy, life is hard enough without adding harsh words and angry responses. Our words and our responses teach and train our children to respond either with anger or with joy in their own lives. We set the pattern that they will continue. I don’t want you to be fake and pretend to be happy. That will lead you into depression. I want you to see that you can find joy if it is what you are looking for.
Remember to look for joy.
Mommy, you got this!!