Mommy Moment…
I was scrolling through a few of the mommy blogs out looking for some encouragement. What I found really wasn’t encouraging. While I quite enjoyed the humor, I saw very few “real” posts there. Oh, there were a bunch of posts about things that happen as mommies, the negative things, and those are real to a degree. And there were some sweet posts, too. But does reading them help you in your journey to be the very best mommy you can be, or are they just reinforcing that motherhood is messy and hard? Even the Christian ones left me wanting more. The ones I found were surface information at best and left me looking for something “real.”
In this world today, we are surrounded by so much that is fake. The movies use CGI. All models are air-brushed. Profile pictures are filtered. Pinterest is full of perfect photos. Products are marketed at us using words that manipulate us rather than inform us. Nothing is REAL. There is nothing “real” to help us on our journey to become the best mommies we can be, no “real” help. There is no worldly truth we can trust.
I don’t know how to fix all of that, but I do think we could start in our own homes.
We have got to get REAL and be honest about where we are on our journey. We need to be honest about WHO we are. We have to be ‘real’ and grow into who we are meant to be. I’d suggest that we take a hard look at our own hearts., especially if we are Christians. The Bible says that ALL have sinned. All means all, that’s all All means. Soo… That means me and it means everyone. Nobody has it all right. If we can start there and turn to God with our own hearts, we can begin the journey to being real with others. Then, once we are “real” we can help those around us ‘get real.’ We can journey along together, holding hands and helping each other stay on the path.
Not only will we be able to help each other along the journey, but our kids are another reason to “get real”. Our kids SEE us. They know us… the real one. They know us with no make-up, no filter, no façade. They know when we are being fake. They know who we are when we are angry. They know us when we are hurt. They hear how we speak to… and about… others. They know if we are walking with God and becoming more patient, more kind, or more loving at home.
Mommies today, and children too, are hurting because they can’t find truth. They can’t find real. They can’t find someone willing to hold their hand as they journey along and pull them along when necessary. We, mothers and friends who love them, we must be the truth to and for them. We have to hold their hands and bring them with us. We have got to get REAL…really real.
Will you get real with me? Will you help me be real? Can we lift each other up and can we walk together in God's truth on our motherhood journey? Can we hold hands on this journey and help each other stay on the path?
I hope so.
Mommy, you got this!!