Mommy Moment...
Awe, Mom, do we have to go today? It’s WEDNESDAY!!
As our kids got older, they no longer wanted to go grocery shopping with me every time. Not because they didn’t enjoy going, but because we often were stopped by other shoppers. Even just recently, a woman in the store spotted me as I turned into the isle. I could tell she was watching me. As I drew close to her, she timidly asked me to reach the water on the top shelf for her.
You see, I am nearly 6 foot tall. I get called on everywhere I go to reach something off the top shelf. Usually, its older shoppers who need an item they can’t reach. Just last week I helped some dear lady with the yogurt she needed. She was so sweet. “You have made my day!” she said when I handed her the flavor she wanted. To me, it is just the right thing to do.
I do have to say, I nearly got stuck in the 2-liter soda display at Walmart one day. A sweet little old lady wanted a particular brand of soda and the only bottle on the display was stuck clear to the back of that shelving unit. Even with my height and long arms it was all I could do to get ahold of it. I stood on the bottom shelf on my tiptoes, stretched as far as I could into and on the display. My feet were dangling off the ground! I just barely got ahold of it. Getting out was harder than getting in. That dear little lady got quite a chuckle out of my efforts. As did the other shoppers who stood watching.
The kids knew that especially on Wednesdays, shopping would involve helping and serving the senior citizens in our community. It wasn’t just me. The kids were often asked to help as well. I loved it! It taught the kids to help anyone and everyone. It helped them learn to honor their elders.
Yes. They did get a little tired of me helping all the other shoppers, but… It did train them well.
I see the rewards of that service now. All of our kids have servant’s hearts. They are the ones who help everyone around them. Danielle serves so many in her church, with her farm store and the Homesteading Days that she hosts. Devin teaches on Spiritual Warfare, works with a group that helps kids leave the sex trafficking world and prays with anyone who asks. Jenna serves her neighborhood and the military families around her. Kali bakes treats for everyone, encourages her coworkers and teaches children to play the piano. Caleb serves anyone who asks. He has a small group of young men whom he encourages. He runs sound, teaches a class of children and is the all-around helping hand at church. Actually, they all serve their local church. And, Kali and Caleb have started a ministry for 20-year-olds in our area.
Sweet Mommy, teach kindness, demonstrate it every chance you get… in the grocery store… and at home. Your kids will learn it if they see you serving the people around you. Kindness is infectious. You want your kids to get it.